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The Shield

J.M. Diener

August 2004

Our pastor has been preaching through the book of Ephesians during the last few months and was talking about the Full Armor of God in chapter 6. He was talking about the Shield of Faith, reminding us of the old truths regarding it and as he was talking something struck me about it anew. The point is that this shield, this faith, is our unwavering trust in Jesus and the enemies attacks are always to get us to disbelieve our Lord and go counter to what He wants us to do. Holding up that shield then means to do what is right, no matter what, focus on the Truth, no matter what, and cling to Jesus, no matter what.

In Psalm 3:3 it also says the following:

Thou, O Lord, art a shield about me,
You’re my glory and the lifter of my head.

In the end it is Jesus Himself who is our shield and our defender, the One in whom we trust. Behind this shield, in the cleft of this rock there is nothing that can harm us, no matter how terrible things might seem!

How to cite this document (MLA):

Diener, J.M. The Shield. August 2004. Feb 14, 2023. <>.

Copyright © 2004 J.M. Diener. All Rights Reserved.