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What It’s All About: God’s Holiness

J.M. Diener

March 2005

As I was completing the study in Ezekiel that I was writing for Sunday School, I found myself pondering three of the key messages in that book. I shared one of those key lessons last month, seeing how God grits His teeth to do what He must. The interesting thing, though, is why He does that. What it all boils down to is that God needs to vindicate His holiness before the nations. The nations look at what God does and bad-mouth it, as He doesn’t quite live up to their expectations. And, because this profanes God’s holiness, He is appalled. He pulls out all the stops to make it clear that He is punishing Israel in Ezekiel’s time, because they besmirched His holiness. Today His holiness is often marred by the words and actions of His children and I find myself sometimes doing so. How do I reflect His holiness? Do my actions make it clear that God is vastly different from anyone else in the world?

In all of this we can be certain that God is not going to let this profaning of who He is go unanswered. He will arise and make it abundantly clear to everyone that He is not a God to be trifled with. Even when we go and tell others about Jesus, it’s about vindicating the holiness of God and drawing people to worship as they see that holiness. And then will come the day when we will all see him! And may that day come soon!

For more on Ezekiel see: Lessons from a Mad Prophet

How to cite this document (MLA):

Diener, J.M. What It’s All About: God’s Holiness. March 2005. Feb 15, 2023. <>.

Copyright © 2005 J.M. Diener. All Rights Reserved.