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Not Even A Hint

Josh Harris

Harris - Not Even A Hint - 2005 Cover


One of the biggest issues every human being, especially the Christian, has to battle with is lust. Josh Harris has battled with it and after much prayer and careful study has written this book on overcoming lust. There is no secret. The fact is that we as Christians should not let even a hint of lust into our lives. Addressed to both men and women, this book gives some practical suggestions on how to overcome lust in your own life.


This book has helped me a lot and made me think a lot about lust and how it sneaks into my life. Whereas all other books I've read that talked about dealing with lust gave strategies they never did what this one did. While others compromise, Josh sets the bar to a Biblical level: there should be not even a hint of it in our lives. Impossible? No. God gives the power to do so and I've found his practical helps to be very useful in my own battles.

The best chapters in the book are the ones on masturbation and on holiness. The book is worth reading if only for these two chapters alone. If you're serious about your walk with God, you should read this one.

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Review is Copyright © 2005 J.M. Diener. All Rights Reserved.